The Likely Lads 22m E2 5c
Posted by: Stephen Reid, 09.07.201907.07.2019, B Davison, S Reid

Takes the impressive wall between North-East Chimney and North-East Arête.

1 16m (5c). Follow North-East Arête up the jagged crack to a good spike at 3m then go straight up to gain a thin crack (or climb the wall just left on pockets). Climb this until not far from its top, then make a thin traverse left to a foothold in the middle of the wall and climb the crack above to slabs. Belay under a shallow chimney with a chockstone.

2 6m (5c). Strenuous and unprotected. Traverse right and gain a niche in the blunt arete above; pull out of this on the left with difficulty to gain a ledge and belay.

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