Kindred Club (KC) bookings

As the Covid-19 pandemic will continue to place limitations on the use of our FRCC huts over the coming months, we are suspending reciprocal arrangements with KCs until further notice. As far as we are aware our KCs are also following the same procedure. This includes the special arrangement between the FRCC and the Climbers’ Club (CC), whereby members can access the Count House and Waters Cottage without sending off for a key. The CC key fob for the box outside the Count House which gives FRCC members access has been removed.

Please do not attempt to book reciprocal club huts for the time being.

We look forward to the time when these restrictions can be lifted and we can all once again enjoy the shared use of our huts in their fantastic locations.

Brenda Fullard,

FRCC Secretary.

2 comments on "Kindred Club (KC) bookings"

  1. Hi there,

    I was wondering if you have a time line on when Kindred Clubs will be allowed to book with you again.

    I absolutely have loved staying at Karn House pre covid, and would love to use it again in order to prepare for my winter mountain leader assessment.



    1. Sorry about the late response. Our secretary contacted all Kindred Clubs with details of our expected arrangements in 2022, although the current Scottish restrictions may impact on this.

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