Bird Restrictions

The annual restrictions to protect nesting Ravens run between 15 February and 31 May while those to protect nesting Peregrine Falcons run from 1 March until 30 June, unless listed otherwise.  If you visit an unrestricted crag and find birds in residence please report your sighting to and at As always, if birds fail to breed restrictions will be lifted as soon as possible.  The following list gives the current restrictions, it will be updated as necessary during the breeding season.


See also the BMC RAD

2024 Updates

This page has been updated on 25/2/24 following the Bird Restrictions Group meeting on 21/2/24.

April 2024 – Lower Falcon Crag restriction removed due to birds nesting on the Upper Crag.

May 2024 – Brantake Crag confirmed as unrestricted and removed from the list below.

Bouldering areas affected by restrictions

It has been brought to our attention that a small number of bouldering areas are affected by nesting restrictions on their associated crags. These are named in the sections below. There may be other bouldering areas in close proximity to nesting birds, if you disturb nesting birds at any currently unlisted venue please make a sharp exit and report to FRCC website and the BMC using the links given above.

Raven Restrictions (15/2/24 – 31/5/24)


  • Raven Crag Walthwaite  –  full crag restriction

A good alternative venue is Thrang Crags, only 5 minutes away. Plenty of worthwhile routes across a range of grades. See the Thrang Crags ebook.

Eastern Crags

  • Iron Crag Thirlmere – Right Hand Buttress only
  • Raven Crag, Threshthwaite Cove
  • Swarthbeck Gill & Raven’s Crag Boulders – NB this restriction applies to climbing and bouldering areas
  • Thrang Crag Lower (aka Allen Crag)
  • Calf Howe Crag, Kentmere
  • Gowbarrow Crag – Ullswater (Upper Tier only)


  • Lower Falcon Crag (whole crag)


  • Ribcage Crag
  • Wallowbarrow Gorge

South Lakes Limestone

  • White Scar
  • Meathop Quarry

Outside, but close to, the Lakes

  • Black Force (Howgills)

Peregrine Restrictions (1/3/24 – 30/6/24)


  • Upper Falcon Crag. Note that the restriction on Lower Falcon Crag is removed due to birds using the upper crag.
  • Gillercombe, Upper Right Wall only. Scramble unaffected.
  • Eagle Crag. A historical Peregrine nest site, currently unrestricted but let us know if birds are present.

Dow & Slate

  • Raven Crag Yewdale


  • Stonestar Crag
  • Wallowbarrow Gorge


  • Heron Crag

Eastern Crags

  • Thrang Crag Upper (aka Allen Crag)
  • Raven Crag Thirlmere. A historical Peregrine nest site, currently unrestricted but let us know if birds are present.
  • Nab Crag Wythburn

Gable & Pillar

  • Bowness Knott

South Lakes Limestone

  • White Scar
  • Chapel Head Scar
  • Humphrey Head. Partial restriction. The beach approach and group use of the scrambling at the bottom of the crag is allowed.
  • Meathop Quarry

Seabird Restrictions (1/2/24 – 31/7/24)

Buttermere, Newlands & St Bees

  • St Bees. There are restrictions to protect nesting seabirds. The area has very important Guillemot, Kitttiwake, and Razorbill breeding colonies and The RSPB have stipulated no access to the area south (right) of the route Army Screamers between the above dates. Other St Bees bouldering areas: The boulders to the south of Fisherman’s Steps can only be used outside the nesting season. Access to Fleswick Bay is permitted all year round, but only south of the inlet where the path meets the shore. At South Head the small bouldering area is only accessible outside the nesting season.