We are glad that you are considering joining the Fell and Rock Climbing Club, one of the UK’s oldest climbing Clubs with over 1000 members. Fell and Rock members share a love of mountains and the Lake District in particular; as well as a wish to be part of a National Club which offers a social atmosphere and numerous opportunities to meet other climbers and mountaineers.
The FRCC recognises the importance of, and is committed to, equality and diversity, equal opportunity and fair treatment of all involved in climbing, hill walking and mountaineering. The FRCC strives to ensure that all people irrespective of their gender, race, religion, age, disability or sexual orientation are welcome within the FRCC and have an equal opportunity to take part in climbing, mountaineering, hill walking and all club activities.
We have tried to anticipate your questions with an FAQ section, but feel free to contact us on membership@frcc.co.uk or recruitment@frcc.co.uk if anything isn’t clear.
We look forward to welcoming you into the Club.
Start the membership application process online.
Frequently Asked Questions
- What are the benefits of becoming an FRCC member?
- The opportunity to meet like-minded people for shared mountains days. A chance to benefit from the wide-ranging knowledge and experience of our climbers, mountaineers and fell walkers during meets, in huts or through our publications.
- An extensive and varied programme of over 70 meets a year, a mixture of midweek day, weekend and longer meets, both in the UK and abroad.
- Dedicated family meets for those with children.
- The FRCC Huts (five in the Lake District, with three separate cottages, and two in Scotland) are well equipped and maintained, and are available to all members.
- Reciprocal access to the huts of a number of other Clubs in the UK.
- A members-only Facebook group, e-Newsletters, a quarterly Chronicle (members newsletter) and biennual Journal.
- Discounts on FRCC, CC and SMC climbing guidebooks.
- Opportunity to apply for the Annual FRCC Expedition Grant.
- BMC Affiliation – your subscription includes Club membership of the British Mountaineering Council which gives you third party liability insurance cover.
- Discounts at some climbing/outdoor gear shops.
- Opportunity to put something back into climbing and mountaineering by contributing to the Club, both ensuring the Club’s future and becoming part of the FRCC history: the Committee is always keen to hear from members who want to help.
- What are the criteria for membership?
- Aged 18 years or older.
- Competent fell walkers/mountaineers or climbers.
- Capable of looking after themselves and others in their party in adverse weather conditions in all seasons.
- Have good knowledge of the Lake District
- As a Climber, it is expected that you should be competent and safe leading outdoors and have considerable experience in the Lake District and elsewhere. There are no minimum grade restrictions for climbers, rather it is expected that you are competent at your chosen grade.
- As a Mountaineer (fell walker), it is expected that you can judge conditions and navigate competently and safely in all kinds of weather, including when the mountains are under snow and ice, and that you have the requisite fitness for these mountain activities. You should have experience of walking and scrambling in all seasons of the year in British mountains, particularly in the Lake District.
- Willingness to add to the life and work of the Club.
- How do I apply to join the FRCC?
- Start the membership application process online.
- Contact our Recruitment Team recruitment@frcc.co.uk if you have problems with the online application process.
- I have heard there are different routes to Associate Membership, what are they?
- If you meet the criteria you can ask to be booked onto any meets as an Aspirant. This provides opportunities for you to meet other members, two of whom will hopefully be prepared to support your application as proposer and seconder.
- You attend a minimum of three meets. Indoor wall meets are a good way to meet other members but do not count towards your three meets. Two outdoor day meets may be used instead of one residential meet.
- The Club runs several Welcome Meets each year specifically to enable Aspirants to get to know Club members.
- Who agree to propose and second you by writing statements of support for your application, and
- You have attended a minimum of three meets. Indoor wall meets are a good way to meet other members but do not count towards your three meets. Two outdoor day meets may be used instead of one residential meet
- Who agree to write statements of support for your application, two of whom will be your proposer and seconder.
- You will be asked to detail your mountaineering activities together with other Club activities that you have taken part in. You are encouraged to attend meets.
- Are there application deadlines?
- What is an Aspirant?
- What is Associate Membership?
- How do I become a Full Member?
- Climbing, fell walking or mountaineering activity in the last five years.
- Involvement in meet activities.
- Contribution to the Club during your associateship, e.g. writing articles for the journal, organising meets, contributing to the promotion of the Club, involvement in guide book activities, etc.
- Is there any guidance for applicants on how to complete the form?
- Applicants are advised not to have family members or spouses/partners to act as their Proposer or Seconder.
- Applicants can work on their online application over multiple sessions saving it along the way. When complete submit the form and the supporters will be automatically emailed to ask for their statements of support.
- Applicants should provide a summary of their experience and including specific examples from the last five years.
- If you are a climber, state the grade that you lead at, and whether or not the climbs are multi-pitch, single pitch, trad or bolted. Give examples from the Lake District and UK, plus any trips abroad.
- If you are a mountaineer, mention mountains that you have ascended in the Lake District and UK, describe conditions e.g. whether winter or summer conditions, poor visibility, equipment used, whether solo or in a group, led or independent, etc.
- Include Alpine ascents and multi-day back-packing trips. If you have completed the Munros or other ranges let us know.
- Is there any guidance notes for Proposers, Seconders and Supporters?
- Proposers and Seconders, must be full members. They are requested to put forward proposals only for genuinely strong and competent candidates.
- The Proposer and Seconder should have read the FAQs to ensure that the online application form is correctly completed. Advice should be given as necessary to the applicant.
- How long and how well they have known the applicant.
- The extent of activities completed when accompanying the applicant on the crags and mountains, including activity in the last 5 years.
- When they have accompanied the applicant on meets and any hut visits.
- The Proposer should ensure that the information provided by the applicant application is relevant.
- What the applicant can bring to the Club.
- How long and how well they have known the applicant.
- The extent of activities completed when accompanying the applicant on the crags and mountains, including in the last 5 years.
- When they have accompanied the applicant on visits to any huts or meets.
- What the applicant can bring to the Club.
- Can any member propose/second/support my application?
- Can I still apply if I do not meet the minimum expectations?
- Is there any discretion in the application of these rules?
You can join the FRCC as either as a “Climber” or as a “Mountaineer” (i.e. a “Fell Walker” – please note that the term “mountaineer” is used, rather than “fell walker”, as the standard required of fell walking applicants is such that this is felt to be more appropriate – don’t let this put you off!)
Applicants must be:
There are three stages to joining. New applicants start as Aspirants, then normally become Associate Members fairly quickly, before applying for Full Membership. This process can take as little as 12 months, up to a maximum of 3 years.
Having this transition period allows applicants to decide whether the Club is right for them. It also allows time for the Club to see if applicants are right for the Club!
To apply you can:
The first stage of the online application process requires you to complete your name and contact details. Next you will be sent a log in link which requires you to describe your recent mountain experience, especially over the last 5 years, your general experience, and what you feel you can bring to the Club. If you have enough experience and have appropriate third-party liability insurance (see FAQ on insurance & liability), you will be sent a meets list and encouraged to attend some meets.
In all cases complete the initial online application form.
Option 1: You don’t know any full members
Or, you are well known to 2 full members
Option 2: You are well known to 4 full members
In exceptional cases where the applicant is already well known to members of the Club or has an outstanding climbing or mountaineering record, the Committee may advance them straight to Full Membership. Otherwise, Associate Members are expected to apply for Full Membership within three years.
Applications must be received by the Membership Secretary by either 31st December, 31st March, 31st July, or 31st October so that your application can be considered at the following Committee meeting (February, May or September, November).
An Aspirant is the term used to describe a non-Club member who wishes to join FRCC. It covers those who do not know any members of the Club as well as those invited as guests of Full/Associate Members and who wish to join. The status of Aspirant is the first stage in the process to becoming a Full Member.
Aspirants are not issued with a hut key, so are reliant on the recruitment team recruitment@frcc.co.uk or other Full Members to let them access meets. They do not get sent Club publications and cannot attend the AGM.
Associate Membership is the second stage in the process to becoming a Full Member. It gives you time to go on meets, get to know the Club and its ethos, and for the Club to get to know you. The Associateship can last between 12 months up to maximum of 3 years, though in exceptional cases applicants might go straight through to Full Membership.
Associate Members have the same privileges as Full Members, including having a key to the Club huts, all publications and electronic news, and are able to vote at the AGM. The only differences are that they are unable to propose or support new members or serve on the Committee.
After demonstrating your involvement with the Club normally by attending at least three meets, (including maintenance meets) and making use of Club huts and cottages; you will start to get to know people and get to know the Club. It is your chance to shape the meets programme, maybe even offer to lead a meet, and develop potential climbing/mountaineering partnerships.
Usually within 12 months to 3 years, it is expected that you apply for upgrade to Full Membership by completing another simple form available from membership@frcc.co.uk and by describing your activities with the Club. You can discuss whether we think you’ve done enough by chatting to the Membership Secretary, recruitment team or other Committee members. The Committee will be looking particularly at your:
Guidance notes for applicants
Qualifying Information
If you are joining by the minimum of three meets route, please list all the meets and huts attended and what you did on the meets, also include any other meets attended and/or huts visited with approximate dates. If you are joining via the four supporting members route, make sure that your supporters have extensive knowledge of your climbing and mountaineering experience. It is your responsibility to ensure that your Proposer, Seconder and Supporters write their supporting statements on line.
Other information
Other relevant information includes: reasons for wanting to join FRCC, what you can bring to the life and work of the Club, membership of other clubs or relevant organisations, experience in guide book production, whether in the Lake District or elsewhere. If in any doubt ask your Proposer and Seconder or contact recruitment@frcc.co.uk. Don’t forget to upload a photo of yourself, provide proof of third-party liability insurance and ‘save’ the online document.
Advice for Proposer and Seconder on completing their statements
Statements by the Proposer and Seconder should include the following detail:
Advice for Supporting Members statements (where applicable)
These statements must include summaries from each supporter detailing:
Only Full Members can be proposers, seconders or supporters.
We are not a Club for novices. If you submit an application and don’t meet the minimum expectations, the membership team will give feedback and suggest ways in which you can improve your skills.
The Committee has leeway when applying the membership rules, if you think you have exceptional circumstances and could be an asset to the Club, please submit an enquiry to membership@frcc.co.uk.
- What is the Youth Graduate Registration?
- What types of meets are available?
- My experience is not recent – can I still apply?
- I have experience in the Alps and elsewhere. Is that relevant?
- I haven’t done any scrambles – can I still apply?
- Liability and Insurance
- Is there a membership fee?
- How do I book onto Club meets?
- FRCC Huts
- I have lost my online application Log on
- Membership requirements at a glance
- Flowchart of the Application Process
- Applicant attends meets and finds two Full Club Members who are willing to act as proposer and second.
- Applicant attends a minimum of three meets. Demonstrate contribution to Club work & life.
- Nominated proposer and seconder are asked for supporting statements.
- Applicants are encouraged to attend meets. Demonstrate contribution to Club work & life.
- Nominated proposer, seconder and two supporters are asked for supporting statements.
Full members of the Club who intend to propose an applicant when they reach the age of 18 years can request that the young person is registered as a Youth Graduate from the age of 16 years. The Graduate period between 16 years and up to 18 years can be taken into consideration when applying to join the Club. To apply for Youth Graduate registration contact: membership@frcc.co.uk
The Club runs around 70 meets a year in the UK and abroad. Meets vary, some are run over the weekend, some are mid-week or run for a week long or longer. Many meets are hut based, but camping and hotel meets are also on offer. As well as offering UK based winter mountaineering meets, rock climbing meets and fell/mountain walking meets, the Club often offers a French Easter Climbing meet, ice climbing abroad, Via Ferratta and more. Themed meets include music meets, a Burns night meet, a bonfire meet as well as meets dedicated to refreshing skills or dedicated family meets. On all meets, the emphasis is getting out on the fells and rock and enjoying yourself.
In addition, we have ‘Welcome Meets’ aimed at introducing Aspirants and new Associate Members to Full Members. There are also ‘On line/virtual Meetings’ to provide information to people interested in joining the Club and to new members on what to expect.
The Club is looking to recruit people who are currently active climbers and mountaineers.
Yes – please include it in your application.
You should have the confidence and ability to move safely on steep or exposed ground, and deal with short rock steps. In other words, you should be able to deal with the sort of terrain that you would expect to meet when walking in the British mountains.
Climbing and Mountaineering are activities with a danger of personal injury or death. Participants in these activities do so voluntarily. Individuals should be aware of and accept these risks and are responsible for their own actions and involvement. The FRCC is affiliated to the BMC and is insured for any organised event or activity. Club members are also insured for liability claims by third parties whilst participating in outdoor pursuits.
When you register as an Aspirant, we ask that you show proof of BMC Combined Liability Insurance, either if you already pay this fee through another Club, or as an individual member (you can claim the duplicate payment back from the BMC). When you become an Associate or Full member the annual Club membership fee covers this cost.
The current annual Club subscription is £88.00 per year. (2025)
If you gain Associate Membership between 1st September and 31st December the annual subscription is £44.00p
There is a reduced rate of £44.00 per year for those under 25 years of age, and this also applies to some long-standing members.
As an Aspirant you will need to be booked onto meets by contacting recruitment@frcc.co.uk. Full and Associate members can also book you on to meets via the electronic hut booking system (You will need appropriate third-party liability insurance.) As an Associate you will have a hut key and access to the online hut booking system.
All Full and Associate Members may use the Club’s huts at very reasonable fees. They may also invite guests. Please see FRCC Huts for details of the huts, how to book, rules and costs. Aspirants pay the same fee as guests, unless they are eligible for Spouse or Kindred Club rates.
You need to be:
1. Competent
Based on proposer and seconder comments plus feedback from other members who have accompanied you climbing / mountaineering.
2. Suitable/Clubbable
Based on proposer and seconder comments plus feedback from members who have stayed in a hut with you or met you on a meet.
3. Demonstrate Club involvement
You will normally demonstrate this during your Associate Membership. It may include meet attendance, including maintenance meets, co-ordinating a meet, helping with guidebooks or getting involved in other club activities.
4. Start the membership application process online.
Applicant knows Full Club Members who know them well & who are willing to act as proposer, second and two supporters