Eros - Independent Finish 20m HVS 5a
Posted by: Stephen Reid, 25.06.202422.06.2024, P Winterbottom, SJH Reid

Currently the final pitches of Eros are as for Photon (MVS 4b).
The following makes a good independent finish more in keeping with the rest of the route.
5 20m (4b). As for Photon. Climb up a couple of metres to the left of the steep wall of the final tower, then traverse left along a grass ledge into Shamrock Gully, emerging by a huge flake. Belay on the opposite wall.
6 20m (5a). Stepping off the flake, climb slightly right then back left to an offwidth chimney. Hard moves up this lead to easier ground and a final steep corner.
7 15m. Easy climbing along the ridge to the Tea Table.

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