Adit 10/Allt a Mhuillin road closure – Update

The access road closure will unfortunately be extended until Friday 12th October.   This will allow some remedial  work to be carried out on the potholes.

Our Civil Engineer has requested that a speed restriction of 5mph on the repaired section is adhered to when the road reopens on the Saturday 13th October and should remain in force until the end of October .  It is imperative for a good finish on the road that the fines on the road continue to work down through the road structure filling any voids. If the road is trafficked by vehicles moving fast this process shall be hindered as fines shall be ‘swept’ off the road surface. The lower speed limit will also help the road bed in.

Thank you for your assistance with this.  It is greatly appreciated.

Alison Boyle
Admin Manager

Forest Enterprise Scotland, Fort William Office
Fort William
PH33 6SW

0300 067 6870 (reception)

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