Dalwhinnie Rail Crossing

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You may have read about the very abrupt decision by Network Rail to lock the gate across the line at Dalwhinnie, thus preventing access from there down Loch Ericht to Ben Alder etc. Many outdoor organisations are protesting about this including Mountaineering Scotland on our behalf but you may wish to add your name as […]

Climbing Day Meet, High Stoney, Tuesday, 24 August

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Meeting time: 10am Meeting point: SD905653, road from Malham to Malham Tarn just after the cattle grid Contact: Kevin Barrett for more info, kevin.barrett.embsay@btinternet.com

Bill Peascod

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There is a new film out about Bill Peascod and it is showing at Rosehill Theatre, Whitehaven – 23rd Sept. Tickets now available. https://www.rosehilltheatre.co.uk/whats-on/film/at-home-in-the-steep-places-the-story-of-bill-peascod

Forthcoming Maintenance Meets

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Waters Cottage – Maintenance Meet Saturday 28th August, 2021 For a variety of reasons the number of volunteers signed up to this Meet has dropped to just half a dozen. We can manage with this low number – we have had to before – but really it would be better if we had, say, ten […]

Duddon Valley road closure from 21st July


If you are thinking of enjoying your shiny new Duddon and Wrynose guide (well done team!) … whilst up the Duddon late last week, I saw a sign saying the road would be closed to repair Seathwaite Bridge – SD231968 – the bridge just north of the Walna Scar turn off. Closure starts today July […]

Kendal Library plans

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As many of our members regularly visit Kendal Library they might be interested in seeing the proposed plans for the refurbishment of Kendal Library and if possible spare a few moments to complete the survey. Please follow the link below  – https://cumbria.gov.uk/elibrary/content/internet/542/827/7067/443519566.pdf



Lt. Col. Horace ‘Rusty’ Westmorland O.B.E. [1886–1984] The last link with the early pioneers of Lakeland Rock Climbing Founding Father of Keswick Mountain Rescue Team Francis J. Morgan-Grant 2021 ISBN 978-0-9556989-3-4 This book tracks a most memorable and distinguished life in 9 chapters capturing the world and characters that Rusty Westmorland held close for so […]

Mountain Ringlet Butterfly

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Could you please help, if possible, with the following survey of the Mountain Ringlet Butterfly? The following are details of the butterfly and survey by Dr Rosa Menendez of Lancaster University together with 1km grid squares to be survey and a photograph of the butterfly. MOUNTAIN RINGLET BUTTERFLY: Ecology, distribution and conservation Why is the […]

Eden Valley Meet: 20-22 August

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Les & Ruth Meer’s Eden Meet is unfortunately now full with nearly 45 attending. Any more people makes for overlarge groups on the hill, the bring and share Saturday BBQ at our house and overloading the village campsite space and facilities. Anyone else expressing interest (with the exception of a few Aspirant members we spoke […]