Morocco Meet


Climbing and walking meet to the Anti-Atlas area of Morocco. Dates are Saturday 2nd to Saturday 16th March staying in the Hotel Salama in Tafraout. The plan is to fly to Agadir and hire cars from there. EasyJet flies from both Manchester and Gatwick to Agadir. I have a block booking at the Hotel Salama, […]

Calpe Winter Sun Gathering

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Every year as the sun heads south, the snowbirds flock to the Calpe area of Spain to sun themselves on the warm rock of Costa Blanca.  Over December and January there is a migrant group who come together to drink coffee, climb, walk, share lifts, drink beer, ascend Via Ferratas, descend canyons, scramble ridges  and […]

Cornish Sea Cliff Climbing

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A week in the sun, climbing glorious Cornwall Granite (and other varieties!) Based at the Climbers Club’s fabulous Count House hut, which has just been refurbished, an ideal spot with local crags at the bottom of the garden and many, many more just a short drive away. We mix and match a bit on this […]

Bramcrag Quarry – Update

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helmet & ropes picture

DANGER – Middle Earth – F7b    –  Bramcrag Wall – 3rd bolt missing In June 2023 the rock failed at the 3rd bolt causing a ground fall. The condition of the rock is unknown and the route is not known to be climbable. DANGER – Bramcrag Quarry is unstable. Bramcrag Wall should be treated with […]

Images for FRCC 2024 Calendar

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Are you a keen photographer? A reminder that the FRCC Merchandise committee is seeking photographs for the upcoming FRCC Calendar.  Photos are invited from FRCC members for any of the following categories: Lakes Mountaineering/Climbing UK Mountaineering/Climbing Worldwide Mountaineering/Climbing Mountain Landscapes (Cumbrian, National, or International) FRCC life (Huts, Meets, Entertainment, etc.)   Seasons- The Committee are […]

Gowder Crag Borrowdale update

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Climbing picture

Rockfall on Fool’s Paradise, Gowder Crag,  Borrowdale. We have a recent report of a dangerous situation relating to Fool’s Paradise on Gowder Crag in Borrowdale. The report states that: “There are many large, scary blocks perched above the third belay.” “The entire final chimney has collapsed and the area is highly dangerous.” The area is […]

Footpath Repair Meet with Fix the Fells

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Fix The fells

Do you want to give a little back to the Fells we love? Join a group of FRCC volunteers working on footpath repair and erosion control work with “Fix the Fells” Rangers for 19th and 20th October based at Birkness Barn. Precise project to be decided nearer the time but likely to be in the Northern […]


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Programme as revised I July 2023 The revised closures and restrictions are set out below: 3/7/23 for 2 weeks – engineers lights will control traffic on narrow sections and the road will be fully closed overnight from 9.00pm to 7.00am (some reports say 7.00pm to 6.00am!!) (11/09/23 onwards 2+ weeks Full Road Closure – now […]