Annual dinner, Castle Green Hotel Kendal, Saturday 2nd November, 7pm

Time is running out before numbers have to be finalised.

Following Chris Paul’s extensive survey of members, the buffet option, once available, has been reintroduced to provide a less expensive, informal option, this time with musical accompaniment from the renowned FRCC music group. Please book now, as after all a lot of members asked for it, but where are your bookings?

Shane Ohly has been secured as our after dinner speaker, being approached after a suggestion from a response to Chris’s survey. Shane is an elite climber and runner, event organiser, specialising in extreme challenges. The title of his talk will be Risk – The Essential Ingredient.

Those at the buffet are invited to join those at the dinner for Shane’s talk, coming to the Function Room, around 21.00. After the talk there will be a collection, in lieu of a speaker fee, for Shane’s chosen charity, Kendal Mountain rescue team, of which Shane has been a member for many years.  Please give generously, remembering to bring some ‘real’ money in order to donate, you never know when you might need their services!

We need more people to sign up for the buffet to make it viable. We have at least 6 places still to fill at the buffet and 4 places for the dinner.

The last date to cancel the buffet is on 16th October. So no pressure, but please will more of you sign up! The buffet is only an option because members requested a cheaper and less formal alternative.

Chris Paul, Acting Dinner Secretary

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