Family Meet 9th Feb Raw Head

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For all members with families, there’s space at Raw Head Barn to join the meet It’s always been a great event for the children. Thanks and see you there or drop me an email to find out more. Gill Lomas

Beetham Walking and Pie Night 15 – 16 March

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Walkers, climbers, snowshoers, and of course aspiring members: ALL are welcome on this meet.  Together we’ll plan some outings to suit everyone.  Maybe we’ll manage to include the Ullswater Steamer too, with a route incorporating some tops above Howtown.  Plus on Saturday evening we’ll have pies; both meat and veggie

FRCC Fix the Fells Meet September 2024

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Do you want to give something back to the Fells we love? There will be a meet with FRCC and Fix the Fells on Monday 23rd and Tuesday 24th September 2024. We will be doing upland restoration work, most likely footpath repairs. A possible project is the footpath on St Ravens Edge, which leads up from the […]

Welcome Meet August 16th/17th 2024

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Hosts Keith Butterfield and Jayne Moss. Hi Folks. Myself and my good friend Jayne Moss are running a welcome meet at Salving House on August 16th/17th of 2024. We aim to lead a walk on the Saturday and welcome anyone who wishes to join us. However it’s not compulsory and anyone who wishes to do […]

Birkness welcome meet – 23 rd / 24 th February 2024

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Hopefully an opportunity for some winter walking over the Buttermere fells, or even some climbing if we’re really lucky with the weather (admittedly unlikely!). All are welcome, but particularly new or prospective members of the club; the latter will have the opportunity to meet existing members, discover more about the club and the joining process, […]

Lakes Hut to Hut

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Lakes Hut 2 Hut 2024 – meet Leaders – Andy Stratford (Joint member of KMC/FRCC) and Brenda Fullard of the FRCC 2024 is the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Karabiner Mountaineering Club, a kindred club of the FRCC. This weekend is a sociable joint KMC / FRCC Hut2Hut meet with options for running / […]

Fell Running at the Salving House

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Fell running meet 6th July 2024, it’s from Salving House and and will be self catered. But everyone feel free to bring cake for when we get back. The route will probably be Borrowdale Fell race route,  17 miles 6500ft  ascent,  this is a hard route.. if the weather isn’t good we can do a […]

Burgundy Meet

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Burgundy meet Dates Saturday 18th May to Friday 24th May The meet will be split between two camp sites to provide the greatest variety of activities in this delightful area. First stop is Chagny, using the Camping Paquier Fane Nights to book: 18/19/20 May ‘24 From here we have a number of crags within a relatively […]

Outdoor First Aid Course

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Outdoor First Aid Course – Beetham Cottage 8th / 9th June 2024 Following the success of last year’s first aid course we are offering it again. This will be a 16 hour course focusing on first aid in outdoor environments and which is particularly relevant to the activities we take part in; the certificate is […]