Remembrance Sunday – 14th November 2021

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We will be holding our Act of Remembrance on the summit of Great Gable at 11am on Sunday 14th November. Hugh Foulerton, the Church Warden has invited FRCC members, who feel unable to climb Great Gable, to attend their Act of Remembrance at St Olaf’s, Wasdale Head.  This is starting at 10.50am beside the FRCC […]

Pierceable gas canisters – a safety warning

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The committee have become aware of several incidents, some of which have had serious consequences, involving pierceable gas canisters of the type shown below; several brands are available, and the canisters are often blue in colour and do not have a threaded connection for the burner. Accidents have occurred where the burner assembly has pierced […]

Radio interview with Nick Wharton

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Nick Wharton, guidebook writer for the upcoming Lake District rock guide was on BBC Radio Cumbria talking to Helen Millican about climbing, interspersed with music that he selected. You can listen to it here The relevant timings on the programme timing bar are: 15:20 to 54:45 then 2:15:55 to 2:54:25 Nick says “listen out […]

A9 upgrading – dual carriageway open between Perth and Birnam gap

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The two-year wait is finally over! The extension of the A9 dual carriageway north of Perth to Birnam gap is now open with no speed restrictions. The journey time to Karn House from the south has just been cut by 10 minutes… Mark Gear, Warden, Waters Cottage

Rockstars 2 meet


8/9 October, Birkness. Just to let you all know, the ‘plan’ for the Rockstars fundraiser meet. 1) A ‘normal’ walking/climbing meet as weather permits with everybody doing their own thing. 2) A chance to look at stars and planets if the weather plays fair and there are few clouds on Friday and Saturday nights. I […]

Dalwhinnie Rail Crossing

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You may have read about the very abrupt decision by Network Rail to lock the gate across the line at Dalwhinnie, thus preventing access from there down Loch Ericht to Ben Alder etc. Many outdoor organisations are protesting about this including Mountaineering Scotland on our behalf but you may wish to add your name as […]

Climbing Day Meet, High Stoney, Tuesday, 24 August

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Meeting time: 10am Meeting point: SD905653, road from Malham to Malham Tarn just after the cattle grid Contact: Kevin Barrett for more info,

Bill Peascod

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There is a new film out about Bill Peascod and it is showing at Rosehill Theatre, Whitehaven – 23rd Sept. Tickets now available.

Forthcoming Maintenance Meets

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Waters Cottage – Maintenance Meet Saturday 28th August, 2021 For a variety of reasons the number of volunteers signed up to this Meet has dropped to just half a dozen. We can manage with this low number – we have had to before – but really it would be better if we had, say, ten […]