Brackenclose fundraising

Thanks to the wonderful generosity of so many FRCC members and others the Brackenclose Restoration Fund has now passed the milestone of £100,000! Many thanks to everyone who has donated and provided us all with some great news in these difficult times.

However, we know that costs will only go up so if you are still planning to donate please do so. Every penny we can raise is going to be needed.

Chris Wales
Brackenclose Fundraising Administrator

Brackenclose leaflet

5 comments on "Brackenclose fundraising"

  1. Hi Philip
    Trying to be positive and look forward to the day when the virus crisis comes to an end, how is the Brackenclose fund raising going and have we reached the required target.
    If not, how much more is needed and maybe this is an opportunity to use the pause in outdoor activities to use our unspent “ petrol and diesel money “ to help raise the required funds
    Kind Regards
    Howard Rushton

    1. Howard

      Can’t give any figures as I don’t have them but there should be something in the next Chronicle and on the website in the next week or so.


    2. Hi Howard,

      I’ve only just noticed your comment from March. Many members of the Pinnacle Club are donating ‘unused hut fee’ money in a similar vein to try to alleviate the loss of hut income, on the grounds that people are spending less money on fuel and entertainment.

      Kind regards,


  2. Hallo Philip,

    I have £550 hoovered up from family members for Brackenclose. Can I still send this in, or is the appeal now closed?

    Geoff Hall

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