Listed below are all the new routes and comments in chronological order. To see only new routes and comments for a specific Area, Crag or Buttress use the Crag Selector on the right.

Mr Peabody

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Slate > Hodge Close Quarry > Mr Peabody 14m F7b ☆☆ 20.09.2022, K Phizacklea


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Dow Crag > Tilberthwaite > Betsy Crag Slabs > Homeground 23m MS 4a 15.09.2022, Martin Scrowston Mike Withers

Glenr Direct

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Duddon Valley > Sunny Pike > Glenr Direct 15m HVS 5a ☆ 02.09.2022, Simon Needham


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Scafell & Wasdale > The East Buttress > RH Section > Hemlock 60m HVS 5a ☆☆ 08.08.2022, Richard Holdsworth, John Holdsworth, Dave Gumbrell



Duddon Valley > Crag Band > The Bandstand > Contraband 14m E2 5c ☆☆ 16.08.2021, Harry Martin, Richard Holdsworth, John Holdsworth


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Scafell & Wasdale > The East Buttress > SE Face > Adrenaline 30m E7 6c 29.08.2022, Craig Matheson, Rob Matheson

Route Feedback: Crypt and Finger Climb, Nab Crag, Wythburn

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Eastern Crags > Thirlmere > Nab Crag > Lower Buttress > Route Feedback: Crypt and Finger Climb, Nab Crag, Wythburn

Route Feedback: Slingsby’s Chimney Route

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Scafell & Wasdale > Scafell Crag > Safell Pinnacle > Route Feedback: Slingsby's Chimney Route

Route Feedback: Scafell Pinnacle

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Scafell & Wasdale > Scafell Crag > Safell Pinnacle > Route Feedback: Scafell Pinnacle