Listed below are all the new routes and comments in chronological order. To see only new routes and comments for a specific Area, Crag or Buttress use the Crag Selector on the right.

Toe Climb Upper Ramp Start

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Langdale > Side Pike Lower Crag > Toe Climb Upper Ramp Start 25m HVS+ 5a 04.06.2016, T Rogers

Last Waltz

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Langdale > Side Pike Lower Crag > Last Waltz 20m E3/4 05.06.2016, T Rogers

An Alternative Truth

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Langdale > Raven Crag > Mendes Wall > An Alternative Truth 40m VS 4c 23.05.2017, M Scrowston, M Withers

Route Comment: Counterbalance

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Miner's Crag > Upper Crag > Route Comment: Counterbalance VS 4c ★★ 12.05.2017, Dave Bodecott


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Miner's Crag > Upper Crag > Medea 55m S 4b ☆☆ 29.04.2017, G Widdowson, D Bodecott


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Miner's Crag > Upper Crag > Messalina 70m VS 4c ☆ 22.04.2017, D Bodecott, G Widdowson

Salmon Leap Variations – Route Comment

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Langdale > Scout Crags > Upper > Salmon Leap Variations - Route Comment E1 5a 11.05.2017, Martin Bagness


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Langdale > Thrang Crag > Right Buttress > Thrang Crag West > Echo 23m HS 11.04.2017, M Scrowston, P Kear

Right Wall


Eastern Crags > Kirkstone Buttress > Kirkstone Upper Crag > Right Wall 15m E2 07.05.2017, T Walkington, E Barnes