Sub-24 hour Welsh 3000ft Round


Members’ completions of the Welsh 3000 footers in under 24 hours are now included in the Mountaineering Challenges section.

Brantrake Crag (Eskdale) nesting restriction

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The restriction of this crag has been lifted as the birds are not breeding at this site.

Ravens on Burnt Crag (Duddon)

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An active Raven’s nest has been reported on Burnt Crag in the Duddon Valley, it is near to Double Trouble. This is yet to be confirmed but it may be best to give the area a wide berth.


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An Exhibition at the Armitt Museum and Library, Ambleside 1st May – 31st October 2019 The Armitt Museum’s exhibition for summer 2019 is an exploration of issues surrounding local identity within the heart of our most popular National Park. The valleys of Great and Little Langdale in the Lake District have seen massive social and […]


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The BMC Regional Access Database (RAD app) provides the latest access information to crags:

Bandanas / Head Scarves


A second batch of 50 is available. Email / phone me if you want one or more reserved Send to me as handbook address:  £9 cash or cheque per bandana payable to Fell and Rock Climbing Club (not FRCC) 2nd class large letter (79p) stamped addressed envelope preferably size C5 (230×160) or minimum for just […]

Chronicle 171

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The latest version of the Chronicle is available in the members’ only area.

Kendal Archive re-opens

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Kendal Archive Centre now re-opened. Tuesdays – Fridays between 10am – 4pm. Please note it will be essential to make an appointment to visit. Details of how to make an appointmentand order documents contact:

Raven Crag Buttress, Langdale. Descent Route, a reminder.

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As the spring rock season gets underway it is a good idea to remind climbers that last year there was a rockfall on the traditional Split Blocks descent route, the area has not yet stabilised and this descent can no longer be recommended. An abseil descent has been established. Details are as follows, guidebook references […]