Classic Rock and Munro Bagging Meet, Braemar, Cairngorms

Staying at the well-equipped Cairngorm Club hut at Inverey near Braemar it’s a great location for ticking off the classic rock routes in the Cairngorms and Lochnagar, and there are also 37 Munros, 8 Corbetts and a Graham within 12 miles as the eagle soars


Organiser name  Steve Woollard
Organiser mobile/email / 07854083648
Meet Dates Sunday 23rd to Friday 28th July, 5 nights
Arrival time from 17:00
Venue/Base/Meet point Muir Cottage, Inverey, between Braemar and Linn of Dee
Map/grid reference 076896
Accommodation: Attendees should book the accommodation with Steve Woollard and are responsible for providing their own food. Attendees need to also bring sleeping bags, pillow cases and towels. 14 places available. £60 for 5 nights payable in advance to the FRCC,

Sort code – 204528

Account no – 43272583

For reference please put “Braemar” and your last name

Activity A general meet for members, guests and aspirants.
Activity Details Rock climbing, hill walking and mountain biking
Equipment Members are responsible for bringing all the technical equipment necessary for the activities they wish to do. Bikes are very useful for access to the hills.

Maps: OS Landrangers 43 and 44, Harvey’s BMC Mountain Map 1:40k Cairngorms/Lochnagar. Suggested reading: SMC District Guide ‘The Cairngorms’ by Adam Watson. Website:

Transport arrangements: Members are responsible for making their own travel arrangements. Please arrange car sharing where possible
Public Transport info: Braemar is served by a regular bus service from Aberdeen, for long-distance rail and coach connections. Inverey is 7km from Braemar, and there is no public transport link.

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