Huts & Bookings


The Club has seven Huts: five in the Lake District and two in Scotland. Raw Head and Birkness also have Cottages attached to them, available for exclusive use bookings by FRCC members.

Kindred Club Members

For information on how to book and the relevant rules go to: Booking of FRCC Huts by Kindred Club Members


Some huts permit camping and/or camper vans – please check hut pages for specific details.

Further Notes For FRCC Members

Online booking by members is available at all the huts and it is advisable to make a booking. Select hut and click on “Make a Booking”.

Please check the availability of Raw Head Cottage, Birkness Cottage and Birkness Coach House using the on-line calendars before making a booking with the warden.

Members are reminded that if they book a bed in a mixed room they do not have exclusive rights to the room and may end up sharing with a member or guest of the opposite gender whom they do not know.

Some huts permit camping and/or camper vans – please check hut pages for specific details.

Anyone wishing to bring children (persons under 18 years) to Club premises must read the “FRCC Child safeguarding club guidelines” which can be found on the policy section of the members page.

Hut and Cottage Bye laws

To read the relevant bye laws go to:  Huts and Cottages Byelaws 

Hut Notices

Electric Vehicle at huts

Members are reminded that charging of Electrical Vehicles at huts is not permitted in any circumstances.

Camper Vans/ Mobile Homes

Whilst we are not imposing any limit on the size of vehicles that can use our car parks, Members are asked to be considerate of other hut users and not bring their “pride and joy” RV to busy Meets.