Welcome to the FRCC Journal Archive. As you can see the thread is unbroken from 1907 until the present day and provides a substantial resource for those interested in the development of English (and British) rock climbing and mountaineering. The new climbs sections (originally titled ‘climbs, old and new’) has been a part of the Journal since the earliest days. Being a club with a broader base than exclusively rock climbing, the articles describe mountaineering, walking and fell running adventures in remote parts of the globe, many well before the advent of regular flights and tourist trekking companies; all of the above demonstrating how writing styles and language have changed over nearly 120 years. Finally the archive illustrates how the Journal itself has changed over that period, as changes in printing and typesetting technology have enabled more and more creativity.
This is the Journal of a private club, and the contributors never envisaged that their articles would be used for commercial gain. As such, while we are delighted to be able share such a resource, we would ask that readers respect the copyright which resides with the club.
Copyright clause:
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording or any other information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright holder.
Produced by the Fell and Rock Climbing Club of the English Lake District Limited. Industrial and Provident Societies registration no. 30506R.
The index below will help when searching the journals: