MEET CORDINATORS  2025 – Graham 


The meet planning process for 2025 is in full swing so now is the time to contact me with any ideas you have been fermenting for meets.

A lot of people are already booking slots so don’t hold back. We will fit in as many as we can.

If any of this year’s meet coordinators want to repeat their 2024 meet or try something new please let me know. It is very early days for me but I will get round to contacting this year’s meet coordinators as soon as I can.  We will be delighted to run again all the usual family, welcome and younger members meets so if you want a rerun as coordinator, let me know. It’s always easier second time around !!!

Associate members, you are in a great position to refresh the list of ideas, and build up a CV for your membership application.

I look forward to hearing from you

Graham  (

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