Morocco Meet

Climbing and walking meet to the Anti-Atlas area of Morocco. Dates are Saturday 2nd to Saturday 16th March staying in the Hotel Salama in Tafraout. The plan is to fly to Agadir and hire cars from there. EasyJet flies from both Manchester and Gatwick to Agadir.

I have a block booking at the Hotel Salama, rough cost 210 euros per person for 14 nights. The advantage of staying in Tafraout for the duration is that there are lots of shops and restaurants compared to the limited facilities in the north, and the roads now have improved so getting to the north for day trips is practical.

Although there are climbs at all grades the climbing should not be taken lightly with route finding challenges and some loose rock and limited medical facilities and importantly no rescue services so we will need to be self-sufficient and try to climb as two pairs where possible.

Steve Woollard

If you are interest please email me at for more details

2 comments on "Morocco Meet"

  1. 4 of us will be at the Salama from 1 to 6 Mar so we will no doubt see you there. Either side of that we are staying in the north.

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