Eastern Crags covers the large area that includes the Thirlmere and Ullswater crags, eastwards to Swindale and south to Longsleddale.
Included are some of the most iconic and historic crags in the Lake District; Castle Rock of Triermain, Raven Crag Thirlmere, and the steep walls of Dove Crag.The array of climbing will suit climbers of every standard. Many crags are easy to access being close to the road, while those in the mountains offer solitude. The crags in this guide offer some of the best-known climbs in the Lake District; Overhanging Bastion, Gazebo, Fast and Furious, Totalitarian, Top Gear, to name but a few.
Price: £16.00 Members: £12.00
Below is the table of contents and some sample pages from the guide: