The next three routes lie on the slabby walls above the top of the main terrace (left of pitch 3 of Two Old Codgers). They are reached by scrambling up the terrace from the right. The main belt of these slabs contains a prominent vegetated crack with an arete on its right. There is a band of easy angled slabs below the terrace which could provide additional entertainment. The left side of the slabby wall is bounded by a pillar. Start left of some juniper bushes growing on a ledge.
1 20m (4b) Climb up the right edge of the pillar until holds allow a step out left onto the front. Climb delicately straight up to the terrace above and its good belays.
2 25m Move down the terrace couple of metres and climb the cracked wall beneath the right-hand of the three cracks above. Between the right-hand crack and a series of perched flakes further the right is an attractive red wall. Pleasant delicate climbing leads up this wall.