Hindenburg 52m E2 5c ☆☆
Posted by: Rick Graham, 11.07.201804.07.2018, T Rogers, R Graham Start at the foot of Maginot Line.
1. 17m 5a Climb the crack left of Maginot Line to an exit left to a ledge. The “LHand crack” mentioned in the guide.
2. 10m 5c Gain the truncated flake from the left and make a long move to the flake crack above.
3. 25m 5a Climb the layback crack then move right to the rib. Up this to finish up a short off-width.
Pitch 3 starts with the original layback of Maginot Line pitch 2 but probably finishes more directly. If the second pitches of Hindenburg and Siegfried Splitter are swapped it will give an excellent HVS on perfect rock.