Juneuary 20m E2 5b ☆☆
Posted by: Stephen Reid, 25.06.202422.06.2024, P Winterbottom, SJH Reid

Fine fingery climbing up the left side of the steep grey pillar on the south-east flank of The Curtain. Left of the cairn at the start of The Curtain is a huge poised detached block with the off-width crack of the Abrahams’ Start behind it: begin in a grassy gully below this.
(5b). Move up a little to a ledge under the wide crack then climb up and leftwards round the arête to another ledge. Climb the arête, stepping left to a ledge at half-height. Continue more boldly up the left side of the arête above to a good hold on a possibly dodgy block and gain a large square platform. The short wall at the back of this leads to The Curtain.

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