Follows the Summer line of Leftovers.
Start up the obvious stepped corner between Steep Ghyll and Moonbathing.
1) 18m (7) Climb the steep corner for 12m to a ledge (crux). Pull up left into a small niche.
2) 23m (6) Climb the groove to its top. From the ledge step up again to belay in the Waiting Room (large ledge).
3) 19m (6) Follow the wide crack above the belay until an awkward move right can be made. Move right and into a wide Chimney. Climb this and pull up to belay below Slingsby’s Chimney.
4) 34m (6) From the belay climb left into a crack and onto the slab above. Move up until a standing position can be gained with a thin smooth slab above and left. Make a steep committing pull up and right to gain easier ground which is followed (to the left of Slingsby’s Chimney) to the top of Low Man.
Leftovers (Winter) 94m VII 7 ☆☆☆
Posted by: Chris Moore, 25.01.202430.12.2020, Chris Moore, Tim Millen, Scott Quinn