Messalina 70m VS 4c ☆
Posted by: Trevor Langhorne, 12.05.201722.04.2017, D Bodecott, G Widdowson A real strumpet of a route. Climbs the large leaning corner between the upper pitches of Counterbalance and Corkscrew. Sunny and well protected. Will stay clean with traffic.
1 35m 4b Follow first pitches of Corkscrew or Counterbalance to their common spike belay left of the slab.
2 35m 4c Bridge delicately then strenuously up the slab and leaning corner. Continue up the clean rib to the terrace.
Belay at the back of the terrace, large bollards up left and spikes lower down. Spare rope useful.
Descent: The Quartz Rake (see guidebook Photo-diagram below) is a potential death-trap, a couple of awkward moves in descent, usually wet and poised above a huge drop. Safer to walk round the crag top and down the first grassy gully.