Still “The classic route of the crag”!
1 33m (4c). From the lowest point of the crag, climb a very easy slab to a tree-stump. Use this to step on to the juggy wall and gain a grass ledge. Follow the corner above.
2 32m (5a). Ascend the slab on the left to the Pinnacle (possible belay). From the top stride across and step up boldly on to the ramp/gangway and follow it more easily to its top. From the top of the ramp, climb up into a corner and ascend the obvious arête on flake holds to a ledge. Nut belays.
(NB. Pre-rockfall, from the top of the ramp the route then descended and traversed out to the left, before climbing rickety flakes up to a recess with a yew tree. Now all gone.)
3 20m From the right hand end of the ledge, climb a wall on good holds to join the top of Zig Zag.