Photon 35m VS 4c ☆
Posted by: Paul Bennett, 19.08.201717.08.2017, M Scrowston, PC Bennett An interesting line seeking out the pyramid shaped block at the top of the crag. Start just left of Bentley’s Smarter Brother at an obvious thin vertical crack. Climb the crack to a ledge on the right sporting a large triangular block. From the top of the block move up and swing left to gain a series of slabs leading to the pyramid headwall. Sprint up its right hand edge.
Paul C Bennett on the First Ascent
Following last years rock fall a new start has been climbed.
Start right of a rock scar at the right hand end of the buttress as for Bentley’s Smarter Brother. Climb the wall for 4m. Traverse left to gain a left slanting groove, a series of left slanting slabs lead to the final pyramid headwall.