Right Wall 15m E2
Posted by: Trevor Langhorne, 10.05.201707.05.2017, T Walkington, E Barnes Kirkstone Upper Crag. G.R. NY 398 086 Alt.600m SE Facing. The buttress is about 150m directly above Kirkstone Buttress and about 50m right of Kilnshaw Chimney and has the shape of a clean corner.
Approach: From Kirkstone summit car park take the main paved path to Red Screes. At about 600m altitude where the path turns left,take a wide grass rake up right then follow a sheep-track traversing right to the base of the buttress. 30min
Start up the central corner, climb the right wall via the thin crack-line .
E2 5c
Eric Barnes spelt with an ‘e’.
The crag has been more extensively developed,so ‘Kirkstone Upper Buttress’is a more suitable title than ‘Kirkstone Upper Buttress’.
Correction.I meant to say ‘Kirkstone Upper Crag’ is more suitable.