The description of Mad Dogs and Englishmen could be improved as follows: Replace the last two sentences of pitch 3 as shown below, then the amended pitch 4 description, as below:
3. 40m 4b … follow a crack to easier ground. Work up this, aiming for a stance and belay at the foot of a clean slabby 6m wall and rib. Note that pitch 5 of Gillercombe buttress starts from a ledge at the top of this rib.
4. 30m 5a Move up left to a higher ledge, then climb the short clean rib to the left of a grassy corner (good side runner above a juniper bush on the right). Step left into a groove and make a bold and committing move onto its left rib. Follow the slim groove above (which lies immediately left of the difficult groove on pitch 5 of Gillercombe Buttress) to a narrow ledge and block belay.
5. 50m etc etc
Route Feedback: Mad Dogs and Englishmen
Posted by: Roger Everett, 22.07.2022