Stag Gully - Left Antler 90m III 4 ☆☆
Posted by: Graham Uney, 14.02.202112.02.2021, Graham Uney and Sharon Kennedy The left-hand icefall at the head of the scree-fan. Start at the toe of the gully, by two blocks.
1 (2), 20m. A couple of ice steps, then easy snow into a steep corner.
2 (3) 20m. Awkward steep corner to a ledge, then easier ice steps to a belay.
3 (1) 20m. Easy ground to a short ice step with a belay above on the left.
4 (3) 20m. A steep ice ridge, then numerous short ice steps to a belay under a small overhang to the right of the final wall.
5 (4) 10m. Steep ice wall to finish at a block.